Coffee quotes

Coffee and Jelly Beans

Well, I accidentally lost everything on the site yesterday.  Thank goodness for the awesome tech support I got last night.  I have to start over, but the site is working again.  Yay!

So, bear with me while I get some content up and get things working around here again.

It’s Friday!  Celebrate with your favorite coffee and get ready for a wonderful weekend.


Don’t forget to sign up for to get updates before you leave and then hop on over to Facebook and follow us there.


Hugs and Mugs,
Jaki Lynn

weekend coffee meme

The ideal weekend includes lots of coffee and naps.

Sounds like the perfect weekend to me.


Easy coffee recipe to try this weekend.

Brown Sugar Caramel Latte


1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 cup half-and-half
1 Tablespoon caramel ice cream topping
3/4 cup hot brewed coffee


  1. Stir brown sugar into half-and-half until dissolved.
  2. Whip with a milk frother or small whisk.
  3. Pour coffee into a mug, and stir in caramel sauce until dissolved.
  4. Pour frothed half-and-half into coffee.
  5. Drizzle caramel sauce on top and enjoy.